
Little did I know but my journey began when a friend handed me a copy of The Celestine Prophecy 25 years ago. I remember finishing the book and thinking ‘wow, there is more to life’. In that moment my view on the world and the effort that life felt, changed. My peripheral vision altered, I could see alternative ways to think and be, everywhere.

My next pivotal moment came 7years later when I gave up a great job in and booked a solo around the world plane ticket. Now that was freeing. Scary but freeing. On some very small islands, time stood still. Time and thoughts were practically all I had. That was odd. Time and thoughts....... that was hard. Really hard.

The next came 4 years later when I got a puppy and she first bit me at 10 weeks old. This behaviour went from a bad to worse to the point I was scared to walk past her as she would growl and bare her teeth. After seeking many professionals help, eventually I was told to have her put to sleep aged 1. I could not accept this so again I delved into an unknown world to find something. I didn’t know what, but I knew in my heart what I was I told was not the answer or in fact correct.

The next came along just months later. It was time for babies. It hit me for six that you couldn’t simply decide to have a baby and have one. There began a very long and dark 4 years.

The day my lovely friend Sarah handed me that book (thank you Bilbes!), life changed for me. A spark ignited in me that life wasn’t what was handed to you. There was a different way. Many and varying mentors (Human and animal!) later brings me to today. I have my babies (well not quite babies anymore!), my puppy is now 14 years old. I am peaceful. The years of overcoming so many obstacles (traumatic or otherwise) bought me to this point.

I am a qualified Reiki Practioner, Animal Communicator and Access Bars Practitioner. Bring all that together along with all that I have learned and experienced across the various mentors, teachings, courses and studies over the years and I am an Alignment Coach. I have created a really simple way to live in FLOW. The techniques are gentle and slow. We go at your pace.

There is no doubt that these techniques work. The question is are you ready? Are you ready to get out of your head?

My biggest obstacle or should I say ‘your’ biggest obstacle is your head or more accurately, when your head is working on its own. Our heads are designed to work in alignment with our bodies. This is the same for humans and animals. If this is not the case you or your animal will find, fear, worry, anxiety and so on in most things. Decisions will be made from this place as will how you or it sees the world.

Over thinking doesn’t differentiate between animal, child or adult. Over thinking is over thinking. Peace is peace. They can’t be in the same place at the same time.

I will give you tools for life. By that I mean to last you a lifetime and to live a peaceful life. I have no interest in making me the person that makes you feel better. My passion is giving you the tools to help yourself. YOU can make YOU or your animal feel better.

Whether I work with an animal, an adult, a child, a group, a family, the principles are exactly the same. When we are peaceful, we see the world with softer eyes. The old story falls away, you self-learn and life flows. When you are in flow, life is effortless.

Be still and Align...

With much love and gratitude
Rebecca x

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