Every singe person needs a little help from time to time. Whether you are just feeling low or you feel like you are stuck and just can't seem to move forward. After an initial 15 min consultation I'll know you a little better and will be able to suggest what we do next. I call on various techniques from various sources. Whilst the principles are the same, no two sessions will be the same.

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Sometimes animals are sad, sometimes too energetic, sometimes reactive. Whatever the reasons my techniques reach anything and everything.

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Children are uncomplicated little creatures until their head gets hold of them. I love working with children as they are like sponges. The earlier we can teach them techniques to realise 'they are not their thoughts' and to be in control of how they feel, the better. The older they are the longer we need to work together to unravel what's not them. This works for any age.

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Little Butterflies is designed for a pre-school setting.

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