During I felt quite unrelaxed at the start and wanting to fill the space with talking. Then once you put your hands on my eyes I started to feel an intense heat which I think helped me switch off. It felt like I was dozing as opposed to sleeping but I definitely was in a v sleepy state. I can't remember much else from the actual session. There were def places I preferred you being like my legs and feet and I didn't like my ears being covered as I felt claustrophobic. I felt warm. I remember kind of dreaming even though I wasn't sleeping. Immediately after I was unable to move. I was aware of the bell and knew I had to start to wake up but I didn't want to. I felt very emotional. Like a wave of emotion over me- couldn't stop crying. Felt a little confused as to why I felt like that as it wasn't like we'd chatted about anything that would make me cry. Felt a bit shivery and shaky. Subsequently I was rather fragile for a few hours. It was an incredibly stressful day but I was very teary and kept crying!!! I was tired. I slept very well. Felt much calmer the following day. Had a very happy and peaceful weekend in terms of emotions and how I was feeling. 

Reiki Treatment

 When I first went to see Rebecca I was feeling lost, overwhelmed, constantly anxious and couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. I have a lovely life but a stressful job and the pressure of work has been a battle for me for many years. I always felt because I have a nice life I should get over myself and just cope. Rebecca’s mix of treatments which I can’t describe well enough to do it justice has impacted my life dramatically. I feel like the old me is coming back after only 4 sessions. I have drive again and a sense I deserve to be happy. I am starting to believe I should and can give myself permission to do what I need to achieve that. She has made me realise with small actions and time for me, I can rebalance my life, have a sense of well being and tune in to know what to do to be happy. I really can’t recommend Rebecca enough. I have no idea why (despite my logical brain wanting to know and understand) but I feel back in control and have tools to cope when I don’t. Honestly this will sound corny but I feel like that there is not only light at the end of the tunnel now but that I will soon be out of the tunnel altogether and living in the sunshine of my bright future, thanks to her, her techniques and treatments. 

Reiki & Alignment sessions

 Cloudy to clear. Cleansing, powerful, vitalised, strong, new outlook, tired to energised. Charged 

Reiki Treatment

 Do not underestimate the impact of how Rebecca’s sessions can help you. I was sceptical but she was my lockdown hero. I honestly could not have got through it without my weekly online breathing and stillness. But it’s so much more than that. We addressed stuff in me that I didn’t even know was there. Her gentle and calm but incredibly powerful words were such a great way to re set, let go and heal. Thank you so much for everything- I’ll be back. 

Weekly Breathing & Stillness Sessions

 You've given me strength. I feel stronger. You've made me feel stronger inside. 

Reiki Treatment

 Thanks for another brilliant session. I feel like I'm moving back towards the light after far too long in the dark! 

Reiki Treatment

 Felt like a weight was lifted off my chest.... 

Alignment and Reiki Treatment

 Just wanted to say a BIG thank you, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I have space inside me....so much so that I actually feel taller!!!! I am really cold, but about to put on some layers!! It was great, I'm so grateful! 

Reiki Treatment

 I put myself in Rebecca's hands as I reached a very low place in my life. I was skeptical at first but after a couple of sessions with her I knew life was changing. She is giving me the tools to bring myself back into the present when life pulls in all directions. I am able to use these techniques already to manage everyday situations which would before have grounded me to a halt. Whoever thought the art of breathing PROPERLY could change a person's whole mindset and bring calm. I feel blessed to have Rebecca in my life! 

Skype - Breathing and Stillness sessions

 Seeing Rebecca regularly gave me the chance to switch off from the everyday and reconnect with myself giving me the space to become me again! Highly recommended. 

Reiki Treatment

 Rebecca was my absolute salvation during lockdown. Having sessions over Skype, I was rather sceptical but the effect Rebecca had on my well-being was amazing. I looked forward to our weekly sessions where I could be truly honest about my experiences in lockdown, which with Rebecca’s guidance opened up other aspects I had unknowingly kept locked away. Rebecca dealt with some very emotional and painful issues with such tenderness and her ability to still pick up on these things via Skype is a testament to her knowledge and experience. Rebecca also provided supportive post session care checking in after particularly emotional sessions. I am converted by the healing that breathing and stillness can give which gave me such inner peace. Louise x 

Weekly Breathing & Stillness - Skype Sessions

 I would 100% recommend Rebecca's 'Learn to Breathe course'. She is very knowledgeable and is so passionate about setting children up for life with the tools and breathing techniques needed for when they are worried, anxious or even over tired. My daughter, after our sessions started to implement what she had learnt but what was really great is that I learnt all the techniques too so I can guide and support her to further these techniques. I loved it so much and can see the benefits that I have asked Rebecca to put on a course just for Mums. I will also be returning with my other daughter in the near future. Thanks Rebecca. 

Rhea & Ameila (7)
Child 'Learn to Breathe' course

 I asked Rebecca to help with my 7 year old daughter who had developed sleeping issues. She had become very anxious and worried and just wouldn't settle at night which was very unusual for her. Rebecca said that she could help and came to our aid without hesitation. Her approach is very unobtrusive and at no point did my daughter feel uncomfortable. Rebecca suggested 3 sessions to help and after the 2nd session we haven't had any further issues. I use the techniques that Rebecca has taught us every night and also if she wakes up during the night, and it has worked each time. These techniques are a new thing for me but I approached it with an open mind as I was willing to try anything to help my daughter overcome her anxiety. Rebecca has been an amazing coach for both me and my daughter and I wouldn't hesitate to use her again for any other issues that develop in the future Elle 

Child Learn to Breathe course - 1:1
Ameilie and Elle (8)

 Both my daughter and I enjoyed doing this course together. Rebecca has such a calm and caring approach. It is amazing how little minds perceive their troubles to be so big and can have a detrimental effect on their behaviour and thoughts. The techniques we were taught by Rebecca are tools for life and are now used daily in our home. We have introduced ‘stillness’ into our bedtime routine and it’s a wonderful way for myself and my daughter to wave those worries away and reconnect at the end of the day. Thank you Rebecca. 

Anne & Maisie - Learn to Breathe course

 Since starting my one to one sessions, I feel like I’ve come such a long way. It was difficult at first opening up about things at first, but each session I began to trust her more and over come things one step at a time. I feel more in-control of my own life now, knowing I have techniques she has practiced with me to start my days off brighter and over come panic attacks. Both me and my mum agree that since starting, I have slowly become a happier person and that I have really benefitted by seeing you. There is a lot more work to do, but after months of being at the breaking point of my anxiety, I feel like I am really getting somewhere. I also can see more of a positive view about how I am coping with stress and anxiety now. 

Claudia (16)
Child Alignment - 1-1 Course

 I found the course very helpful because it has helped to calm my brain down. 

Maisie age 10
Learn to Breathe course

 I liked my classes because it stopped my brain hurting. I felt nice after. I feel more cuddly. 

Rose age 5
Learn to breathe course

 Stillness, helps me go to sleep and helps me have a good day the next day :-) 

Poppy - age 7
Child - alignment session

 I really enjoyed my Saturdays and was sad when the course ended. I feel much brighter and on days when I feel low I sit still, close my eyes and look at my thoughts. That ALWAYS makes me feel much better! I always do stillness (empty my cupboard) at bedtime! Thank you xx 

Grace - age 13
Learn to Breathe 1:1

 Thank you for our time with you and teaching us some valuable lessons! Here are a few words that capture how we felt about our time with you.... ‘Through her Learn to Breathe course, Rebecca taught me and my eight year old daughter some valuable techniques to help us manage any troublesome thoughts and worries. In particular, we now have a lovely ‘breathing routine’ that we do together at bedtime during which we both relax and our worries float away, and I was taught some amazing mindfulness techniques to clear my mind and help me relax. Thank you Rebecca!’ 

Cathy & Louise (8)
Learn to Breathe (1:1)

 I struggle with Maths and sometimes get upset about it. I tried stillness and spot work and it makes a massive difference. When I go into the room, I do not feel too great. But when I come out I feel a lot brighter. I enjoy the sessions because they really help me in lots of different ways. E.g. it makes me sleep better at night if I do it at bedtime. 

Daisy - age 9
Children 'Learn to Breathe' course

 We enlisted the help of Rebecca when we were at our wits end with our 1 year old Labrador puppy Bree. Labs are renowned for their gentle, placid and eager to please nature hence why we chose her . Hmm... But not Bree. She'd had a terrible start to her life and when she came to us and as a result she was an anxious and nervous dog which is not a good combination. We just couldn't trust her not to bite somebody. She was extremely unsettled, constantly on edge and terrified of the slightest thing. It was so sad to see her that way. To have a family pet that wouldn't let visitors into the house, or one that lurched and nipped other dogs when out walking was just horrendous and we were at breaking point. The we met Rebecca. She spent an initial 6 weeks working with Bree, fourth week in and we started to see a difference. It wasn't easy, we had to work with Bree too between visits from Rebecca but we persevered. We had a six month break and then asked Rebecca to come back for another 6 weeks. This was the icing on the cake and I think it was necessary that Bree had this extra treatment. Bree is now a calm, relaxed, friendly 3 year old dog who enjoys life, people and at last can play happily with other dogs. The difference in her is incredible. She welcomes people into the house, she no longer barks and its just a pleasure to see her being a Labrador! I don't know how Rebecca does what she does, but all I can say is it works and she really is a godsend. If you have a pup or even an older dog that is out of sorts with life then I would highly recommend talking to Rebecca. She absolutely saved Bree. Pauline & Mark 

Pauline, Mark, Bree & Daisy
Animal Alignment

 Whilst it is difficult for me to say HOW Rebecca does what she does, it is easy to say the results speak for themselves. Rebecca visited Sammy (yorkie-poo) and myself when I asked for help with his velcro tendencies. He would not leave my side for a moment. He also hadn't found his voice to ask to go out in the garden. Rebecca worked quietly with both of us for a few sessions, and each time the difference in Sammy was palpable. Now I have a dog that will quite happily lounge on the sofa whilst I go about my day. He asks to go in the garden, not by barking, but by coming to find me, looking at me and whining quietly. By working with Rebecca, with Sammy, I feel like he and I have a deeper connection now, and also that he is more confident in himself. I truly cannot recommend Rebecca enough for her work with animals. 

Debby & Sammy
- Animal Alignment

 I’ve been completely blown away with Rebeccas work with our family dog Marley. He would bark at a leaf blowing past the window yet within an hour Rebecca had him calm, fully rested so much so he did not care when the door went! He’s a complexly different dog when he’s had a session with Rebecca. I myself sat in on a session with Marley and I felt the benefit too. I felt rested and calm. Rebecca knows her stuff! 

Lisa & Marley