The sessions are guided by you. What you have to say as you walk through the door will dictate what we do. How you 'feel' to me will also guide the session.  Please choose from the list below:-

Simply Reiki - £40

Reiki is for everybody.  It puts your body into a deep stillness and in this space you body will self correct, self learn, will reset itself.  It will clear your head.

Alignment course - £160 (reduced to £100 for any 3 week bookings thereafter)

3 x 1:1 sessions.  These are coaching sessions to help you align.  You will learn different techniques to help yourself when not with me.  I am coaching you to find the tools within you so you have lifelong support.  

The initial 3 weeks are likely to be 1.5hrs sessions whilst we start to clear you and you become familiar with the work.

Thereafter they are likely to be 1hr. 

You may also receive Reiki during these sessions.

Alignment - £20 (30 mins) - £40 (60 mins) - £60 - (90 mins) - £80 - (120 mins)

For people who have completed the 3 week compulsory course.  These can then be over Skype or in person in my cabin.

'Space' - group sessions - £6

Weekly group alignment session

Max 6 people

Please message or call to book your place or to be added to a wait list

Wednesdays 7:30 - 8:30

Be Still & Align Workshop - £60

A 3hr workshop

Teaching you tools and techniques to be aware of and reduce high thinking.

4 people max

You may receive Reiki during this workshop.

Be Still & Align course - £60

A 3 week course (consecutive weeks)

Teaching you tools and techniques to be aware of and reduce high thinking.

Group setting - max 4 adults