Bring your Dog sessions! - £30 - 3 week course

You will be taught the skills to work mindfully with your dog in a group setting.  I love a challenge and will happily and joyfully work with ANY dog.  Just let me know of any issues and I can make sure I put you with the right class.  

It may very well be that you need a couple of 1:1's before we progress to this.  I'll know once Ive spoken to you and your dog!  

Please email me to be added to my waiting list -

Alignment 1:1 course - £160 initial 3 week course (reduced to £100 for any subsequent bookings) 

3 x 1.5hr sessions at your home (reducing to 1hr with any subsequent bookings).

Main carer to be present at all times.

I will teach you how to simply 'be' with your animal.  

For specific problems we will work through these together. Dependant upon the situation, I will work with your animal to clear anything major whilst teaching you the techniques to carry on the work yourself.

Suitable for any problem - aggression, fear, anxiety, over excited etc