Generally a 1hr session.

Parent to partake in sessions.

Learn to Breathe class (3 week course) - £30

A group of parents and children.  

You will both be taught tools and techniques to be aware of and reduce high thinking. 

This is a wonderful connection point for you to simply 'be' with each other.

Parent and Child to both partake.

Max 4 children.

Please let me know if you would like to be added to my waiting list along with details of days/times that you would be available.

Parent/child 1:1 (3 week course) - £60

If you have something specific to work through, then this is the fastest way and most cost effective way to do this.  

You will both be taught tools and techniques to be aware of and reduce high thinking. 

This is a wonderful connection point for you to simply 'be' with each other.

Parent and Child to both partake.

3 consecutive week course.